Health Coalition is a nationally licensed wholesale drug distributor - NABP accredited and fully insured.
As an innovator in the specialty pharmaceutical distribution marketplace since 1988, we were the first distributor to introduce 24-hour service in 1990.
Each emergency situation is addressed on an individual basis by one of our top professionals who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Let us put together your patient chemo regimens including antiemetics, antibiotics and more…
Figure 5.4 lists the most effective drugs for early and locally advanced breast cancer.
Figure 5.4: Chemotherapy drugs for early and locally advanced breast cancer. |
Drug Abbreviation |
Brand Name |
Capecitabine |
Xeloda |
Carboplatin (C) |
Paraplatin |
Cyclophosphamide (C) |
Cytoxan |
Docetaxel (T) |
Taxotere |
Doxorubicin (A) |
Adriamycin |
Epirubicin (E) |
Ellence |
Methotrexate (M) |
Various Brand Names |
Paclitaxel (T) |
Taxol |
We do Just-in-Time Order Fulfillment!

Over 30 Years of Industry Knowledge at your fingertips!
Do you have questions on payment rates?
Talk to one of our Reimbursement Specialists.
Delivering the medication
even during periods of
shortages in the market.

Providing unsurpassed Service 24/7 through the industry’s top professionals. We view ourselves as more than a supply partner – we are an extension of the manufactures we represent and the customers we Serve.